
votre site sur la pratique de l’alpinisme

your mountaineering website

Vous voulez aller plus haut et revenir en toute sécurité ? … Il ne faut pas en faire toute une montagne  !

Do you want to go higher and come back safely ? … There’s no need to make a mountain out of a molehill !

Facile sommet panoramique / Easy panoramic summit

Facile sommet panoramique / Easy panoramic summit

Durée: 2h15                           Duration: 2h15
Distance: 3,2 km                  Distance: 3,2 km
Dénivelé: +/- 430m             Height difference: +/- 430m
Difficulté: Facile                Difficulty: Easy

This superb summit at the entrance to the Turtmanntal is easily accessible to all. It can be climbed along a well-marked red path, without any vertiginous passages. The footpath starts at Griebjini, a small alpine hamlet accessible by a small toll road (CHF 5.-). The start of the route is at the Oberems exit, on the right… for 9 km. During the mountain pasture season, you should leave your car outside the parks. Below the hamlet or at the side of the road (park.) When the weather is fine, the view from the summit is magnificent and stretches out over the plain. Those wishing to extend the walk by following the obvious ridge to the Brunnethorn should allow an extra 1.30 hours.

Cantine de Barmaz / Barmaz canteen

Cantine de Barmaz / Barmaz canteen

Cantine de Barmaz

Une belle auberge de montagne au-dessus de Champery

Acceuil chaleureux et très bonne cuisine

Possibilité d’y passer la nuit,
soit en chambre soit dans un dortoir

Barmaz canteen

A beautiful mountain inn above Champery

A warm welcome and very good food

Overnight stays are possible,
either in a room or in a dormitory